Qui sotto il testo di una canzone di Marvin Pontiac intitolata little fly. Cosa c’entra questo Marvin Pontiac con John Lurie? Per saperne di più leggete QUI.
Here are the lyrics of a Marvin Pontiac tune named little fly. What does this Marvin Pontiac have to do with John Lurie? You can read the explanation HERE.

There’s a little fly, he fell into my drink, he sputtered and he sputtered I hope he doesn’t sink
I met a little man, he said his name was Al, he comes from outer space he gave me ginger ale
There’s a little mouse, he crawled into my pants, I feel him in my shorts I hope he doesn’t dance
Baby kangaroo he humped into my shoe, he’s kissing with my socks I hope he gets the flu
There’s a little snake, he slipped into my hair afraid to wear my hat, I hope he’s still not there
There’s a little fly he fell into my soup, he sank as he swam I hope he doesn’t poop
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